Friday, May 8, 2020

The Easiest Ways to Set Yourself Apart

The Easiest Ways to Set Yourself Apart We all know the job market is extremely competitive. I keep hearing that the majority of job seekers arent doing it well.   That comes as no surprise.   Harry Urshal stated in a post on CareerRocketeer: Don’t ignore the posted ads and job boards, however, that should be a small part of your job search efforts and not how you’re spending a majority of your time. If you only do the same thing 90% of other job seekers are doing (responding to ads and waiting for a call), you will always be competing with that same crowd of other candidates. In order to reduce the competition, you must be considered at an earlier stage of a job opening! Moral:   Be Proactive This means you will be doing a ton of networking (aka, meeting people to exchange information and nurture relationships).   Once you have met someone, you will want to show your gratitude and appreciation.   Thank you goes a long way.   Make it formal, send a note.   Handwritten or typed isnt as important as actually doing it.   So few people actually take the time to write a Thank You that this one step could possibly be the best and easiest way to set yourself apart.   It wont qualify you for an opportunity you arent qualified for but it will distinguish you from the others in the pool. Moral:   Be Polite When writing your Thank You note, youll want to make sure it is unique, memorable, not trite. If you are looking for samples and ideas of what to say in your Thank You notes, check out QuintCareers samples. Your Thank You message should be appropriate for your industry or line of work.   A card with a kitten on the front probably isnt wise for an IT professional, however, if you are a Vet Tech, maybe. Also keep in mind how many emails people receive.   Do you want someone to read your Thank You?   If you send it in the mail, it will be hard to overlook it. Being polite is sadly not as common as it may once have been.    Set  yourself apart!

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