Tuesday, December 31, 2019

6 powerful women to inspire your next career move

6 powerful women to inspire your next career move6 powerful women to inspire your next career moveHappy International Womens Day to all women, moms, grandmas, daughters and sisters In the wake of this amazing day, we looked at 6 powerful women that are a great inspiration to us. They ayaly prove how much you can accomplish if you set the bar high and have a personal drive. We believe a key factor to their success lies not only in experience but also in their personal talents. Were showcasing them with s most popular sections focused around personality.Letting personality shine through on a resume seems to be a challenging task for many people. offers a number of sections that can help you show your true self and highlight your achievements at the same time. If you also struggle with this, find your inspiration from these powerful women that changed history forever.What would be Marie Curies proudest moments?The first powerful woman we decided to add to our list is Marie Curie. The P olish-born who desperately wanted to study Maths and Physics. In herbei young age, she made a deal with her sister to beistand each other financially so each of them could study. First in the secret underground school because of being a woman. Then Marie made it to Paris where she earned her Ph.D. in both Mathematics and Physics. She welches the very first woman to receive a degree in a French university. All that led to making a breakthrough in Physics, when she coined the term Radioactivity. And the list goes on.What are you most proud of in your life? Its a question even the most successful people struggle answering. The answer doesnt necessarily have to be connected to your professional life. It could be paying off your debt or working out regularly. Answers to this question reveal the most amazing things about people.If you decide to give it a go and share the Proudest Moments on your resume, make sure you describe them in more detail. Outline what led you to that moment and fo cus on experiences and traits that can tie into the position you are applying for. Also, include as many numbers as possible. It will give your answer more credibility.What did a day in Princess Dianas life look like?Have any of your friends ever told you you live like a princess before? Its supposed to mean that your life is great, youre being spoiled rotten and you dont have to worry about anything. But is that true? Princess Diana of Wales proves that it isnt, as her life welches far from great at times. Yet, she always managed to put a smile on her face and fight everyday struggles with grace. All that made her a very powerful and loved woman.Her usual day welches filled with helping others. Raising awareness about the ones that are usually forgotten by society, the homeless, HIV sufferers and sick children. She was a huge groupie of fashion, which was quite obvious from the stylish clothes she always wore. People loved her because she also openly talked about her struggles, suc h as bulimia.One way of showcasing your personality in your resume is mentioning things that youve struggled with or that didnt quite work out well. It makes you more relatable. And more, our greatest room for growth is in areas of our greatest weakness. Show your potential employer that you are aware of them and that youre working towards improvement. You can use the My Time section to do it.What are Susan Wojcickis top strengthsSusan Wojcicki is one of the most successful women in tech. Googles very first office was set up in her garage and she became its Marketing Manager back in 1999. While developing and overseeing Google Video, she proposed to the board to buy YouTube and became its CEO in 2014. These activities outline one of her strengths perfectly, she obviously has a nose for a good business opportunity She is also known for promoting balance between family and work and encourages people to prioritize on a daily basis based on what is the most important task to fulfill.Add ressing your top strengths is another great way of presenting yourself as both individual and a professional on your resume. Interviewers often ask about your main strengths so its a good idea to share them on your resume, to catch their attention right away.When outlining your Top Strengths in a resume, make sure you dont use cliches and overused words like team player or hard worker. To avoid that, you might use a short phrase to show your strengths, rather than a word or two. Be specific when justifying your strengths. Think of why do you consider that to be your superpower? Dont forget to keep it short but powerful.There is a lot to be proud of, what would Oprah Winfrey choose?Oprah came from a very poor background, with no running water or electricity at home. She was raised by a single, teenage mother and as a 9-year-old, she moved in with her father. She always had high grades at school and worked hard towards her dreams. Her main motivation in life was and still is, to help others. The Oprah Winfrey Show, the number one daily show in America for 25 years straight, was a great platform to listen to others and help them become the best version of themselves. She became the first African-American woman billionaire and uses her influence to empower women and young girls. Today, Oprah is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, actress, educator and a leader.Oprah has achieved so much as a human being and a businesswoman. From all the things shes done in her career, it was quite difficult to choose the top 4 things she would say shes most proud of.If you have a lot of experience up your sleeve, take inspiration from Oprahs Proud Of section. Choose life achievements that show your character and biggest life victories. The ones that are most important to you and fit with the job requirements youre applying for. Sprinkle bits of your personality here and there, or mention difficult life events you went through to stand out from other highly experienced appli cants.Is J.K. Rowling writing all day long?J.K. Rowling became the first writer billionaire in her later thirties, which proves its never too late for a huge success. After struggling to endure at the edge of poverty,, she became known thanks to the first Harry Potter book. After that she wrote 6 more to finish the series which put bases for the 8 fantasy films distributed by Warners Bros. Writing brought a great recognition to her and after the Harry Potter series, she was named Britains Most Influential Woman, UKs best-selling living author and a runner-up of Times Person of the year. She is an extremely charitable person and is very open about her struggles with clinical depression and insomnia.How do you usually spend your day? is another question you might be asked during an interview or while networking. In any case, you should be prepared to answer well and have it on your resume.Rowlings My Time section consists of only 4 main points that describe how she spends her day. Its clear and straight to the point. When describing your day on a resume, do the same. Describe clearly the activities you do most of the time and make sure you have evidence to prove it in case youll have to go in more detail.Are Sheryl Sandberg skills surprising?Sheryl Sandberg is a great example to follow. Her background is very interesting. She was born to a Jewish family who was helping other Jewish people in the era of refusenik. She was a high achiever in high school already and was always at the top of the class in both Harvard College and Harvard Business School. Her career with Facebook started in 2008 when she became its COO. It was her proposition for Facebook to rely on advertising, which made the company profitable for the first time. She is a big role model to many women out there and dedicates a lot of her time to women empowerment. Her book Lean In aims to encourage women to become leaders and be ambitious without being scared. Heres what we imagine her greatest skill s areA Skills section is just as relevant to add to your resume as your Top Strengths. You can also assess your skills to show the employer how good you are at each of them. The main thing to be careful about when filling in your Skills section is not to overestimate yourself. Its one of the most common mistakes on resumes. Stretching the truth does not pay off, they will find out at some point. Also, make sure your skills match the ones described in the job description.One of Sandbergs Skills we chose is Fighting lifes setbacks. Consider adding something similar. It reveals your character. In Sandbergs case its obvious that despite difficulties, she picks herself up and fights until the end.Next time you craft your resume remember that showcasing your personality gives a great touch to your resume and becomes the main differentiator. It also helps companies to secure a perfect culture fit.Go ahead, sign up for , and create a stellar resume now.Happy Womens day from the whole team

Thursday, December 26, 2019

4 Tips to Achieve Your New Years Job Search Resolutions

4 Tips to Achieve Your New Years Job Search Resolutions4 Tips to Achieve Your New Years Job Search ResolutionsFourty percent of Americans choose some form of self-improvement as their New Years resolution each year. But while we all have good intentions to complete our resolutions, only 8 percent will actually achieve their goals, according to University of Scranton research.So if you find yourself adding find a new job to your list of resolutions, this information can seem a little discouraging. But dont worry, theres a way to stay on track and attain your goal keep your strategy simple and attainable.Start searching for a job hereCheck out these four tips to succeed in your New Years job search resolutions1. Set goals.Before you hit the ground running with your job hunt, you need to tischset goals. Grab a piece of paper and actually write down what you want from your next position. Are you seeking a remote position or one that calls for travel? What industry do you want to work in? All of these questions are key to starting your search.To further your goals, decide a time frame for yourself. Do you want to transition to a new job in the next six months or is your deadline a little tighter? Coming up with a form of measurement to track your success will help you understand where you are in the job hunt and where you need to be to reach your goal.2. Refresh your resume.When is the last time you took a moment to refresh your resume? If its been a while, set aside some time to revise your skills, objectives, and job experience. Chances are you have some experience to add or new skills that may be missing from your current resume.Also take some time to read up on new resume techniques. For example, many recruitment departments are utilizing new forms of online tools that will scan your resume for keywords applicable to the position for which youre applying. Adding specific keywords into your skills and experience may put you ahead of the curve in the anfangsbuchst abe recruiting process.3. Improve your online presence.If youve been out of the job hunting game for a while, then you need to make cleaning up your online presence a top priority as a part of your resolution strategy. Social media has become a unique tool for recruiters. Through your public profiles, they can evaluate your personality for a culture fit within their company.And because of this, the way you have presented yourself on social media can really affect your ability to even be considered for a job. Review your social media profiles for anything that may be misconstrued as inappropriate, and be cognizant going forward of what youre posting.4. Branch out.And speaking of social media, just like recruiters, you too have the ability to branch out in your job search through social media.Utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn to find out which companies have vacancies, and use platforms like Twitter and Facebook to get a sense of their company culture to see whether or not the business would be a good fit for the goals you originally wrote down.By breaking down your New Years job search resolutions into a measurable strategy, youll be more likely to be successful in achieving your overall goal. Stay positive with your search, and with these tips youll be off to a great start in the new yearReaders, what are your New Years job search resolutions for 2016? Share your resolutions and tips for job seekers in the comments belowPGi has been a leading global provider of collaboration software and services for over 20 years. PGi is constantly innovating new technologies to help professionals do business outside the office, making virtual meetings easier and more productive than ever before. Learn more at our blog, The Future of Business Collaboration.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Heres why people over 50 are supporting the U.S. workforce

Heres why people over 50 are supporting the U.S. workforceHeres why people over 50 are supporting the U.S. workforceNew research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta reminds us that elderly workers area criticalpart of the U.S.workforce.Americans are retiring later, according to analysis by Federal Reserve bank economistEllyn Terry. She noted that later retirement was the largest influence on how many Americans are working or looking for work - which is known as the labor force participation satz. Even though more Americans are also aging, Terry concluded that delayed retirement from olderworkers was offsetting nearly entirely the effect of a growing number of aging Americans.The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that by 2020, one in four workers will be older workers, which is why supervisors need to think about how to accommodate their needs and retain their skills.Here are some advantages older workers have.Older workers keep working past retirement ageThe unemployment rate for workers who are55-years-old and older was 3.4% this past February - which is among the lowest unemployment rates of any demographic in America. Some older workers use their jobto stay active and engaged in their communities.But for some, its not by choice. Older workers must keep working to pay bills, especially health care,Jim Seith, a senior director at the National Council on Aging said.This work retention rate may also be because employers knowthat elderly workers are more committed to the role and are less likely toquit thanyounger workers, who change jobs more often as they figure out their careers. Tim Driver, CEO of RetirementJobs.com, calls this a turnover advantage, estimating that the tenure of workers age 50+ is three times longer than workers under age 50.Older workers are good mentors to young employeesHome Depot, which hires thousands of older workers to work part-time, designates certain older workers asassociate coaches that will mentor younger workers, recogn izing the strength of multigenerational institutional knowledge.Older workers may seek more flexible hours as they get older, but they also are just as eager to contribute.These workers often play a mentoring role, a leavening role in the organization. They contribute toward a healthy culture in the organization,Larry Minnix, president of LeadingAge, told The New York Times.Older workers gain emotional maturityTheres a persistent stereotype that aging means a time of loss and decline, which contributes to an impression by some employers that older workers will be slower. And for some labor-intensive jobs, decreasing physical abilitiesmay affect job performance.But there are benefits to age too. Older workers may have an advantage when it comes to controlling their emotions, according to a2016 study in the Work, Aging and Retirement journal. The study surveyed how older and younger workers decompressed after work, and found that older workers were better at adaptive emotion regulatio n strategies like processing their emotions and talking about their feelings. This matters because other studies showed that after-work time was key to replenishing productivity and motivation.Around 71% of the human resources executives surveyed in a Society for Human Resource Management study said older workers weremore mature/professional and 70% said they displayed a stronger work ethic than younger workers.Age discrimination is real and persistentOlder workers are still subject to discrimination in hiring, and when layoffs come around, they are also frequently the first to be cut. It really is harder to find a job as you get older.A February study by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco showed that older workers, particularly older female workers, have it rough. The study sent out 40,000 resumes in 12 cities across 11 U.S. states. If the resume for an administrative job was coming from a senior female applicant, she had a 47% lower callback rate compared with younger appli cants.For older men seeking jobs in sales, they had a 30% lower callback rate compared with younger applicants.Overall, older applicants near the age of retirement experienced more age discrimination, according to the study. Thats despite the 1967 law that forbids age discrimination in hiring.This evidence of discrimination matters to stakeholders because as thefinancial burden on the U.S. Social Security system increases with an aging population, a major reform goal is to create stronger incentives for older individuals to stay in the workforce longer, the studys authors wrote.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Biochemist and Biophysicist Job Description

Biochemist and Biophysicist Job DescriptionBiochemist and Biophysicist Job DescriptionBiochemists and biophysicists examine the chemical and physical bases of biological processes. Biochemists and biophysicists may also carry out applied research, which means that their research objective is to solve existing problems that may negatively affect living systems. Biochemists usually focus on molecular-level operations such as cell development, how cell structure relates to function, how cells metabolize food and chemicals, and how toxins may adversely affect the biology of an organism or group of organisms. Biophysicists, whose work complements that of biochemists, usually study atomic-level processes and how evolution or biology is affected by the laws of physics. For example, NASA continues to explore how various types of organisms, including bacteria and people, adapt to conditions of near weightlessness or microgravity in space. Biochemist and Biophysicist Duties Responsibilitie s Duties and responsibilities of biochemists and biophysicists may require the ability to do the following work Design and conduct experiments.Manage and review the work of research gruppes.Analyze and synthesize organic molecules such as proteins and DNA.Develop potential gene therapies.Research the chemical composition of drugs, enzymes, and various types of nutrients and their effect on living tissues.Write and publish papers and reports to describe research findings.Review the research papers, methods, and findings of other scientists.Attend conferences and present research findings and recommendations to other scientists. Write grant applications to obtain funding for future initiatives. Biochemists and biophysicists must obsessively adhere to the scientific method, think creatively but objectively, stay abreast of research in their field, and interact effectively with colleagues, potential sources of funding, subordinates, and the public when necessary. In addition, they must be comfortable using state-of-the-art technologies, such as lasers, fluorescent microscopes, computer modeling software, 3D printing, and CRISPR, to carry out research and analyze the results. Biochemist and Biophysicist Salary The most significant variables influencing biochemist and biophysicist compensation are industry and location. The highest-paying jobs are in management and scientific and technical consulting, followed by scientific research and development services, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and colleges, universities, and professional schools. The top-paying states for these jobs, in descending order, are New Jersey, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. zentralwert Annual Salary $93,280 ($44.85/hour)Top 10% Annual Salary $177,680 ($85.42/hour)Bottom 10% Annual Salary $49,230 ($23.67/hour) Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018 Education, Training, Certification A bachelors or masters degree may qualify a candidate for an entry-level posi tion in biochemistry or biophysics. A Ph.D. is needed to work in independent research and development. Most candidates who have just received their Ph.D. begin their careers in temporary postdoctoral research positions. Education Education begins in high school by taking math, chemistry, and physics courses, in addition to biology, computer science, foreign languages, public speaking, and English composition. In college, major in biochemistry, biophysics, biology, chemistry, physics, or a similar area with additional emphasis in computer science and math, including calculus and statistics.Advanced degree To enter a Ph.D. program, candidates may be required to take the Graduate Record Examination and submit an application package that typically includes transcripts and GPA, a ansicht of purpose, personal history statement, description of research experience and interests, at least three letters of recommendation, a resume or curriculum vitae, completed application form, and applicati on fee. Doctoral students spend substantial time planning and executing research projects and taking advanced courses in their area of specialization. To finish the program, they write a dissertation that demonstratestheir ability to carry out independent, innovative research, and may be required to present a seminar discussing their findings. Training Although it isnt required, candidates will benefit from an internship, such as those offered by NASA, Abbott Labs, Cook Medical, and the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. After being awarded a Ph.D., training will likely continue in a temporary postdoc research position under the supervision of experienced scientists in the field. During this phase of training, candidates publish their research findings to help them attain a permanent appointment.Certification and Licensing Certification and licensing arent required for jobs in biochemistry or biophysics, but candidates can opt to become certified to demonstrate mastery of the core competencies in their field of study. For example, the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) offers a certification option to students attending ASBMB-certified schools. Youll need recommendations from professors when you apply to graduate programs. Take the time to get to know them, ask for part-time work in the department, assist with research projects, and participate in departmental activities such as seminars. Biochemist and Biophysicist Skills Competencies Youll need a variety of skills and attributes to be a successful biochemist or biophysicist Communication and interpersonal skills They present findings orally, write and publish papers and reports, persuade sources other than the federal government to fund research, write applications for grants, and work effectively with a team toward common objectives.Computer science and math skills Biochemists and biophysicists regularly conduct complicated data analyses and use complex equatio ns and formulas in their work.Critical-thinking skills They draw conclusions from experimental results through logical reasoning and sound judgment shaped by years of experience and training. Objectivity They must be objective about their research and go where the science leads rather than where they want it to go.Problem-solving and analytical skills They use experimentation and analysis to figure out the set of possible solutions to a scientific problem, select the best solution or hypothesis, and test it.Tenacity They are thorough, precise, and stick with a project or experiment regardless of the problems that crop up or the number of times they have to start over with a clean slate. Time-management skillsThey may often be on a deadline when researching a problem or writing a paper. They allocate their time wisely and efficiently juggle competing priorities without compromising the quality of their work. Job Outlook The occupations of biochemist and biophysicist enjoy O*NETs Bright Outlook designation. This means that based on Bureau of Labor Statistics projections, employment in these fields is expected to grow at least 11 percent during the decade 2016 to 2026, which is faster than the average forecast growth for all occupations. This growth rate is attributed to the predicted need for additional qualified personnel to conduct research and development into products and techniques that improve quality of life for people, including the rapidly increasing aging population, which is expected to precipitate demand for new pharmaceuticals and procedures to detect, reverse, and prevent disease. Biochemists and biophysicists are also expected to be in demand in areas such as disease detection, treatment, and prevention in animals genetic research green energy efficient, clean food production and the effects of pollution and climate change on biological systems. Work Environment Most biochemists and biophysicists work on interdisciplinary teams and divide their time between offices and laboratory environments where they may supervise other scientists, technicians, or interns plan and carry out laboratory research and record and analyze research results. Work Schedule Biochemists and biophysicists usually work full-time during regular working hours, although they may work overtime occasionally to complete time-sensitive experiments or meet other project deadlines. How to Get the Job CREATE YOUR CV AND MOREVisit Elseviers Researcher Academy for video tips on how to write an effective resume or curriculum vitae (CV), prepare for an industry job interview, and learn key strategies for a job search, especially if youre just getting started.Additional targeted resources include the Biophysical Societys Job Search Resource Center, an example of a high-quality graduate CV from the University of Kent, Science magazines Writing a Winning Cover Letter, and the Biochemical Societys CV Personal Statement Tips.APPLYStart your job search with the vast science and technology job database at Mendeley Careers, which is searchable by discipline, job type, and location. Visit the ScienceCareers job board, the Biophysical Society Career Center, and the ASBMB Job motherboard to browse featured jobs, upload your CV, or subscribe to weekly job alerts. Comparing Similar Jobs Similar jobs that may interest you, along with their median annual salaries, include Biomedical Engineer $88,550Environmental Scientist $71,130Medical Scientist $84,810 Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to Deal With Disappointment at Work

How to Deal With Disappointment at WorkHow to Deal With Disappointment at WorkAs the saying goes, 10% of life is what happens to you, and 90% is how you deal with it. Dealing with disappointment at work is a prime example of how overcoming the obstacle can be more important than the obstacle itself. Maybe you got passed over for the promotion you really wanted. Perhaps the project youve been working on for months suddenly got canceled for flimsy reasons. Or perchance your best friend at work took a job elsewhere. No reasonable person expects another person to respond to disappointment like a robot. Some people handle tough emotions better than others. Obviously, humans have emotions, and when those emotions are shaken, people deal with those emotions differently. Professional disappointments are disappointments nonetheless, and coping with them appropriately is important for future professional success. Be Honest If you can hide your emotions, join the World Poker Tour because yo u can make a lot of money when you can pass off off-suit two and seven for pocket aces. For the rest of us, disappointment shows on our faces, tone of voice, and even how we walk. People will know you are disappointed, so be honest about it. Dont divulge details youre not comfortable sharing, but respond to appropriate questions with candor and grace. If you cant respond to a question, it is better to say so than to make up an answer. People will landsee right through a bluffed response because your words will not match your demeanor, and that leads your colleagues to trust you less. Be Respectful Bad news can come suddenly, and it is easy to lash out at the person delivering the message or at the person responsible for the bad news. Resist that temptation. Do not engage in backbiting or open hostility. That is unproductive and career-limiting behavior. As said, To disagree, one doesnt have to be disagreeable. This means you can hold a different opinion from someone else without becoming that persons enemy. The key to doing this is being respectful. Disagreement does not have to build up metaphorical walls between people. Do not belittle or attack the other person. If you have to attack anything, attack ideas without making the attacks personal. Disagree with a decision rather than the person who made it. The distinction is subtle, but it makes a huge difference in difficult conversations. Get Over It in a Reasonable Amount of Time Depending on how devastating the disappointment, it can take a lot or a little time to get over it. If you dont get all the funding you want for a particular project or function, it is a minor disappointment. If you get passed over for a promotion in favor of someone you believe is a poor fit for the position, that has considerably more sting. Try to get over the disappointment quickly. Accept what you cannot change about the situation, cope with it, and move on with your life. Show you are resilient. Misery loves company, b ut company doesnt love it back. If you stay down in the dumps for too long, people will gravitate away from you. Your colleagues expect a bit of sadness, and a perceptive boss expects slight, temporary dips in employee engagement and productivity. If you cant get over the disappointment in a reasonable amount of time, seek professional help. Many employers contract with employee assistance program providers who have staff or subcontractors trained to help people process their emotions. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. Dont Make Rash Decisions The temptation to make rash decisions is similar to the temptation to lash out at others. Emotions and perhaps tempers are heightened. Do not let your compulsions dictate your behavior. In the moment, it may seem satisfying to undermine whatever or whoever is causing your disappointment or to throw your hands up and quit, but doing so would be incredibly short-sighted. You may not be in the right frame of mind to make decisions, so cool off before making any big ones. Decide What to Do Next Some disappointments are easy to process and move past, but others are not. If youre dealing with a game-changing disappointment, you need to decide what youre going to do in the wake of it. Again, dont make rash decisions. Perhaps the disappointment is something you just need a little time to get over, but at the other end of the spectrum, you may need to look for a new job. Only you can decide what you are going to do. Take advice from those you trust, and make the best decisions you can given the information you have.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

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Monday, December 2, 2019

engineering jobs for women

engineering jobs for women Its no secret that one of the most stressful parts of finding a new job is weighing the pros and cons of the benefits and compensation package. Pay can be a tricky thing to fully grasp, especially when there are so many facets to one single number- how does anyone actually know what their full earning potential is when they sign that contract? Say goodbye to compensation stress when you join the PricewaterhouseCoopers team. From day one the team at PwC provides information around how their compensation is determined and will continue an open and honest conversation about your earning potential throughout your career at PwC. Aside from a base salary, PwC provides the opportunity for an annual performance bonus and additional monetary rewards throughout ones career- who can say no to that?Are you ready to build a career in a rapidly changing world with a team thats more than excited to have you onboard and ready to compensate you fairly? Take a look at the tw o openings below, and be sure to follow PwC on PowerToFly to receive updates tailored to your interests neuschpfung Technology DevOps Engineer at PwCPwC is looking for someone to plan, deploy, and support multiple applications across our working environments. Daily, the team utilizes best practices to assure smooth application integration across the Innovation teams entire architecture, as well as research, design, and prototype new solutions to facilitate application growth. Location Tampa (FL)Employment schrift Full TimeExperience SeniorRequired Skills SSH Cloud, Database Architecture, Relational Databases, NoSQL, LinuxResponsibilities include Working with various data stores to include SQL, NO-SQL and distributed fileordnungsprinzip storageExperimenting with Big Data tools and open source technologies as well as research 3rd party technologiesParticipating in release planningMaintaining and assuring uptime of containerized applications in hosted environmentsMonitoring service t rends to identify opportunities for improvements with existing frameworks, tools, and processesAuditing and improving ordnungsprinzip metrics and alarms.Knowledge and Experience NeededMinimum Year(s) of Experience 3 years of Linux system administration or dev ops experience.Minimum Degree Required Bachelors degree in one of the following Accounting, Finance/Economics, Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Business Administration, Statistics Mathematics, Regulatory Compliance, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and/or other business field of study.Degree Preferred Masters degree in Computer Science, or other technical related field.Apply to the Innovation Technology DevOps Engineer position here. Innovation Technology Director of Software Engineering at PwCPwC is looking for someone to help develop capabilities leveraging the latest in Open Source technologies to automate and accelerate their client engagements across the enterprise. They a re focused on incorporating the latest in machine learning, Big Data, NoSQL, cutting edge development languages, and advanced data processing techniques to include structured and unstructured information in a loosely coupled ecosystem delivering a technology platform that positions PwC for the future.Location Tampa (FL)Employment Type Full TimeExperience SeniorRequired Skills Big Data, Machine Learning, Development, Linux Database, Architecture, LeadershipResponsibilities includeWorks with various data stores to include SQL, NO-SQL and distributed file system storageDevelop and integrate capabilities across APIs with back-end services written in one or more languages, e.g. Java, Scala, REST, etc.Support development of user web applications written in the latest Javascript technologiesExperiment with Big Data tools and open source technologies as well as research 3rd party technologiesKnowledge and Experience NeededMinimum Year(s) of Experience 10 of software development and architec ture experience.Minimum Degree Required Bachelors degree or 7 or more years in enterprise software architecture design and experience leading teams.Degree Preferred Masters degree in Computer Science, or other related technical field.Use communication skills to effectively and efficiently translate business requirements into technical specifications and test casesDevelop strategies and road maps with IT architecture focus Lead developers code using object oriented design, implementation and maturation to take advantage of the language feature sets Assess and review code to establish it is efficient code which is concise and best utilizes system resources which can become constrained in a big data environment Refine requirements, self-identify solutions and communicate to the teamLead development of web applications to include HTML, javascript, Angular 2.0, Redux, and CSSUse pattern match, regex creation and approach to decompose unstructured text and,Utilize enterprise BPMN tools fo r orchestration of services and workflows.Use leadership skills to engage with stakeholders, technology specialists and account managersApply to the Innovation Technology Director of Software Engineering position here. 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